DAX (Dynamo DB Accelerator)

A fully managed, clustered in-memory cache for DynamoDB * Delivers up to 10x read performance improvement * Microsecond performance for millions of requests per second * Ideal for Read-Heavy and bursty workloads e.g. auction applications, gaming and retail sites during black Friday promotions

How DAX Works

  • Dax is a write-through caching service - data is written to the Cache as well as the back end store at the same time
  • Allows you to point your DynamoDB API calls at the DAX cluster
  • If the item you are querying is in the cache (cache hit), DAX returns the result to the application
  • If the item is not available (cache miss) then DAX performs an Eventually Consistent GetItem operation against DynamoDB
  • Retrieval of data from DAX reduces the read load on DynamoDB tables
  • May be able to reduce Provisioned Read Capacity

What DAX is not suitable for

  • Caters for Eventually Consistent reads only - no not suitable for applications that require Strongly Consistent Reads
  • Write intensive applications
  • Applications that do not perform many read operations
  • Applications that do not require microsecond response times

Exam Tips - DAX

  • Provides in-memory caching for DynamoDB tables
  • Improves response times for Eventually Consistent reads only
  • You point your API calls to the DAX cluster instead of your table
  • If item you are querying is on the cache, DAX with return it; otherwise it will perform an Eventually Consistent GetItem operation to your DynamoDB table
  • Not suitable for write-intensive applications or applications that require Strongly Consistent Reads